Biskians generally are interested in dirtier careers such as waste disposal, cleaning, and jobs that mainly take place outdoors. Biskir is not a very hygienic or clean place to live, most of its cities’ streets are filled with garbage. However, Biskian waste disposal workers tend to take jobs in other countries so that their workload isn’t so heavy. This is why there is so much trash and so little trash disposal workers in Biskir.
The Alef Sundial is a 4-story tall sundial that stands in the city of Alef’s central plaza. It's too tall for regular citizens to actually read its face, but can be read (with some effort) using the shadow it casts on the ground. Rather than simply painting numbers on the ground to indicate what time it is based on the sundial's shadow, the Biskian government inexplicably chooses to employ various Ochians and Durtonians to fly up and read the sundial aloud every hour.
Biskian magic users are able to control the element of darkness. They exist basically as an opposite to Denbrish magic users. Their magic works the same way as that of Denbrish magic users, except it applies to darkness instead of light. They also have the ability to manipulate shadows, which doesn’t really have a practical use other than for children’s parties. Oddly enough, like their Denbrish counterparts, Biskian magic users also gain their power from the sun. This is thought to be because the brighter the sun is, the darker shadows will appear.
- Species: Marsupial
- Nation Capital: Alef
- Element: Darkness
- Landmark: Alef Sundial
- Monarch: Queen Honey
- Rank: 12
- Associated Month: Biskembrie
- Demonym: Biskian
- Symbol: Moon
- Population: 1,607,680
- Area: 83,776 square miles