Fungese Krukorans are raised to value creativity above all else. Many grow up to be artists, architects, and inventors. As long as they can make things, Fungese Krukorans are happy. Though art and inventing are not necessarily lucrative professions in Krukora, some Fungese Krukorans are talented enough to be commissioned to create murals and other large pieces in public spaces.
The Meifeng Canyon is a popular tourist destination not just due to its size and natural beauty, but also because of the many paintings that have been created in the canyon. Artists come from all over Fung to paint or draw directly onto the canyon, making it the largest piece of art in Krukora. Artists who aspire to leave their mark on the Meifeng canyon must pay a fee in order to do so, which is how the attraction generates most of its revenue.
Fungese magic users are able to control the element of metal. They are the least common kind of magic user, perhaps because of the Fungese peoples’ poor relationship with Fung, the deity of metal. Most Fungese Krukorans are very out of touch with their deity. Those who do have the ability to control metal can move, bend, melt, or break it at will, depending on how skilled a magic user they are.
- Species: Rabbit
- Nation Capital: Meifeng
- Element: Metal
- Landmark: The Meifeng Canyon
- Monarch: Queen Jin
- Rank: 11
- Associated Month: Fulan
- Demonym: Fungese
- Symbol: Gear
- Population: 4,865,880
- Area: 121,098 square miles