Verians are typically merchants. They travel all over Krukora selling their wares. Some prefer to stay in Veria and sell goods to gullible tourists. Many Verians are also keen explorers, though due to their leave-no-trace culture, they don’t typically return from their explorations with much to show for it, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The peoples in the vicinity of Verian explorations certainly don’t mind being left alone.
Lake Echa is a lake steeped in mystery. It is constantly covered by a thick fog. No one has ever sailed to the center of the lake and returned, partially because the lake freezes over for most of the year. Many have attempted to cross Lake Echa, and some claim to have done it. None can provide any proof though. Some say an enormous monster dwells in the depths of the lake.
Verian magic users are able to control the element of ice. They can freeze things and lower temperatures at will, though many inexperienced magic users struggle with unfreezing things.
- Species: Deer
- Nation Capital: Echa
- Element: Ice
- Landmark: Lake Echa
- Monarch: Queen Klondike
- Rank: 9
- Associated Month: Verioi
- Demonym: Verian
- Symbol: Compass
- Population: 1,228,060
- Area: 107,602 square miles