Kemarenian culture is extremely centered around water. They are raised to see the ocean as its own living being that creates and holds life within itself. Because of their reverence for and proximity to the ocean, most Kemarenians take up jobs involving it, such as fishing and sailing. Kemaren doesn’t have an official army, instead falling under the protection of the Itobuchese military, so there aren’t really any options for Kemarenians who wish to become members of the navy in their home waters. Fishing, however, is an extremely lucrative profession in Kemaren, which is a bit ironic. Most Kemarenians have no qualms about catching, killing, and selling their feral counterparts and see themselves as a completely different species than those they fish for.
Mt. Hoku’u is a “volcano” of sorts. Instead of molten rock, it is inexplicably filled with seawater. It erupts just like an active volcano would, but instead of spewing smoke and magma, it releases steam and boiling water, which either evaporates or comes down as boiling rain. Several scientists have theorized scientifically about how and why this might happen, but the general consensus is that it’s the work of Kemaren, the water deity.
Kemarenian magic users are able to control the element of water. This is a very basic element, there’s not really much to it besides the manipulation of water and sometimes ice. Stronger Kemarenian magic users are able to summon heavy rains.
- Species: Fish
- Nation Capital: Hoku'u
- Element: Water
- Landmark: Mt. Hoku'u
- Monarch: Queen Azaria
- Rank: 17
- Associated Month: Kemahina
- Demonym: Kemarenian
- Symbol: Seashell
- Population: 97,104
- Area: 2,244 square miles