Krukora Info
The Creation of Krukora
The planet on which the continent of Krukora exists has never had a name, and Krukorans don’t know of anything outside of their continent, so the world is often referred to as Krukora, or just “the world.” Krukora is believed to have been created through sixteen of the elemental deities combining their strength in an event known to the citizens of Krukora as “The Amalgamation.” During this event, sixteen formerly separate regions ruled over by and named after one deity each were combined into one continent called Krukora. Two deities, Kemaren and Itobuchi, refused to combine their nations with the rest, but agreed to move them closer to the new continent. The period preceding The Amalgamation is denoted by the acronym BA (Before Amalgamation), and every year following it, up to and including the present year, is referred to as AA (After Amalgamation).
Wildlife and Citizens
All animals that exist on Krukora also exist on Earth, excluding monsters and dragons. Krukoran fauna, however, can possess a much wider variety of colors and patterns. Additionally, all feral animals that exist in Krukora can also exist as anthropomorphic animals that walk on two legs. Two thousand years BA, each deity gifted ten of the most promising animals in their domains with the same sentience and bipedalism the deities themselves possess, and since then the anthro animals have continued to spread. Feral animals still possess much higher intelligence than average animals in real life, and many are resentful of the animals gifted with higher intelligence and bipedalism.
Magic exists in Krukora, but its origins are unclear, as is how exactly to use it. It doesn’t necessarily seem to be passed down through families, because the cases in which two magic users end up raising someone incapable of using magic are just about equal to the opposite cases. The only thing that is certain about it is that some can use it, and some cannot. It is uncertain what exactly magic is capable of in Krukora. Magic users have control over one “element” based on their species’ patron deity. only around .25% of Krukorans can use magic.
Government and Leadership
Each Krukoran nation is led by one monarch who has complete control over their respective country's government. Usually, a monarch will have a small circle of trusted advisors and many diplomatic underlings who serve them. Monarchs control every aspect of government in their nation, including the passing of laws, international relations, and military forces.
Krukora is in the midst of a semi-medieval time period, so Krukoran technology is not very advanced. Most Krukorans are uneducated and will never attend an educational institution in their life. However, because a small percentage of Krukorans have the ability to use magic, advancements have been made past that of medieval Europe, for example. As a result of this, Krukorans have access to some luxuries such as electricity, steam locomotives, and photography. Magic has allowed Krukorans to progress technologically far beyond what they would have been able to otherwise.
Krukoran society and culture is based around a strict social hierarchy which numerically "ranks" each species. No one really remembers how or why any species is where it is on the hierarchy, but it is usually believed (at least by those at the top) that the closer a species is to #1, the smarter or stronger they generally are. This system has caused political and societal unrest in the past, and continues to do so in the present. Unfortunately diplomats and monarchs have had this hierarchy forced onto them for their whole lives, so they are not keen on changing their way of life, no matter where their species places.
The official hierarchy is as follows:
- Tho Bolans (Dragons)
- Kossans (Big Cats)
- Denbrishmen (Bears)
- Abefis (Primates)
- Robridians (Dogs)
- Durtonians (Birds)
- Hickerians (Raccoons & Red Pandas)
- Medydonians (Cats)
- Verians (Deer)
- Oakens (Foxes)
- Fungese (Rabbits)
- Biskians (Marsupials
- Malborkians (Mustelids & Viverrids)
- Ochians (Bats)
- Inuians (Rodents)
- Madarstanis (Bugs)
- Kemarenians (Fish)
- Itobuchese (Monsters)

Other Info
- The current year is 1027 AA
- Krukora has an area of 2,618,418 square miles
- According to the last census (performed in 1020 AA), Krukora has a population of 60,888,171 citizens