Kossans are extremely dedicated to helping others, so they often take up professions in the medical field. Many of them also volunteer with aid organizations around the continent in order to help those affected by natural disasters and similar occurrences.
The Tombs of Bembe were originally built 128 AA as the final resting place of Kossan monarchs. The tombs are basically large underground systems of tunnels. They were repurposed into mass graves around 500 years AA and have since taken on a catacomb-like appearance. The tombs are said to be the domain of Kossa, the earth deity. Only the bravest Kossans make the journey into the tombs with hopes of meeting their deity.
Kossan magic users are able to control the element of earth. This includes dirt, mud, and to some extent, rocks. Kossan magic users are in control of an extremely physical element that doesn’t have much meaning beyond how it appears on the surface.
- Species: Big Cat
- Nation Capital: Bembe
- Element: Earth
- Landmark: Tombs of Bembe
- Monarch: King Mufara
- Rank: 2
- Associated Month: Kossu
- Demonym: Kossan
- Symbol: Mountain
- Population: 7,594,496
- Area: 165,539 square miles