Itobuchese Krukorans are the most diverse race in Krukora. They come in all shapes and sizes, and can have any physical features of other species. Some are even able to grow plants on their bodies. There is no one dominant trade in Itobuchi, it is very diverse in that way as well. Itobuchese individuals are very independent and typically also very passionate, erring on the emotional side. They prefer to live their lives according to how they feel at any given moment. Many Itobuchese Krukorans never decide on one career to continue with for the rest of their life, instead choosing to hop from job to job.
The Yakata Crater was allegedly formed during the amalgamation when Biskir, the darkness deity, attempted to convince Itobuchi, the deity of void, to join their land with that of the other deities. The conversation went terribly and ended with both parties angry. This led to Biskir shooting a meteor at the western portion of Itobuchi’s land, creating a massive crater now known as the Yakata crater. It now is seen as a monument to Itobuchi’s element, void. What was once there no longer is.
Itobuchese magic users are different from other Krukoran magic users. Their deity’s element is void, which is literally the absence of all things. There is no way a mortal Krukoran could completely understand that concept. It is something that cannot be controlled. Not wanting to be left out though, Itobuchi (the deity) decided to one-up their counterparts by secretly bestowing their citizens with the ability to manipulate all elements. Once this was discovered by the other deities, Itobuchi was immediately chastised and punished for their actions, but it was too late to completely take back what they had done. Instead, now Itobuchese magic users are required to choose one element at the age of 14 to control for the rest of their life.
- Species: Monster
- Nation Capital: Yakata
- Element: Void
- Landmark: Yakata Crater
- Monarch: King Kaiser
- Rank: 18
- Associated Month: Itotsuki
- Demonym: Itobuchese
- Symbol: Stars
- Population: 3,991,743
- Area: 67,881 square miles