Oakens are extremely connected to nature and are inclined to take up jobs relating to the natural world. This includes farming, ranching, and natural sciences. Oaknethâs main farming exports are tree products, specifically peaches and plums. Oakens also often work in feral animal care fields.
The Grove of Poplarn is a large grove of multiple different species of trees that grow around a central giant sequoia tree that measures around 234 feet tall. Many Oakens have tried to climb the tree in the center of the grove, but few have succeeded. Those who have mad it to the top claim to have seen visions of Oakneth, the deity of nature, on their way up.
Oaken magic users are able to control the element of nature. This magic can manifest in one of several ways. Manipulation of plants, which allows the user to make plants grow or even physically affect those around them, is one manifestation of nature magic. Another is the ability to commune with feral animals.
- Species: Fox
- Nation Capital: Poplarn
- Element: Nature
- Landmark: The Grove of Poplarn
- Monarch: King Hickory
- Rank: 10
- Associated Month: Oay
- Demonym: Oaken
- Symbol: Tree
- Population: 5,329,365
- Area: 117,315 square miles